wine soaked wooden smiles
silver spooning new lovers
under brass intent

pussyfoot around
well dressed dogs in business
suits searching for milk

(webmd) romantic frostbite:
honey coated kisses known
to cure heart numbness

is getting beautiful girls
laughing at corny jokes

another case of
sugar coated disdain; she
speaks my name like ash

unfold me again
ne me quitte pas, fille ensoleillée
you're foreign tongue now

sugar high winter
teeth hurting with every bite
into your center

when wishing to keep
a sunshine girl as your own,
steal the sun; a goal

awaken her beast
claws deep, teeth to devour whole
woman, show your horns

chills in bitter bones
robbed of sugary marrow
are you satisfied?

men with offerings
why wise women want weak whims
dame tu alma

feel you beckoning
pheromoaning my name hungry
revel in my sweat

unlock my lips to
store your breath behind my teeth. turn the lock of
my tongue with yours. click.

i want to run my tongue over the crevices of your teeth
put your hands on me
tongue my wounds
licking myself clean
i found myself wishing he was you

you tell me about the arguments with the voice inside your head | the way they open sweet, run their words up your neck like young lovers | watch your unravel to them with your palms facing the stars and then flip | a coin of a different currency | you tell me how they taunt | how they questions your confidence | while pulling the threads that help on your hands | blocking your shots | selling your confidence | forcing you to attend pity parties with voices you don't even like | all while blaming you for the misery they left at your feet

it stabs, plunging the knife of self-doubt deeper | slipping into a space between your ribs | piercing the heart you try so hard to protect | your secret garden walls crumble to crush the flowers that have bloomed inside | petals that once opened to the moon, stars | sun now wither to die beneath heavy weight | no one to blame | fingers stay clenched in fists | while teeth grind against teeth with clenched jaws holding tight to | the dagger loged in the cage of your ribs | the cage of your mind is all that holds you within.

when the wall comes down and you step inside the cherry leather of my skin | you should know what’s inside. this body is an antique shop | wood floors too weak to pass inspections | these bones brittle beams with ex lovers initials carved into them | on the bottom floor you will find anchors, anvils | things to keep me from running away like my father | strong and cold, all covered in cherry blossoms | on the top floor you will find mounds of delicate lace | secrets written into their curves, pretty words meant for you | extra space to write memories with you | yards and yards to dress you | you see i collect things, like the lanterns | they sit behind my eyes, keeping things bright when i don’t want them to be | the chair with the wobbley leg | making me misspell my name on important legs | doors that don’t open, some that down close | locks that keep getting broken covered in lipstick of potential angels | jars full of my securities. i keep them safe in a cabinet, a gift | the one that got away told me i could keep it | that i needed it more than she ever had | her name is part of all the filigree. i hope you don’t mind | my grandmother gave me all of these book | every word i breath is from their pages, barely holding together | by tongue, my teeth, by sap from trees i’ve yet to see | the rips in the furniture, well i was born with them | don’t worry, they only share their warmth | when my fire is out of wood and I’m sorry for those days | but on the mantel with always be my heart | a perfume bottle half full from what my past lovers didn’t take | you can hear the bulb pumping steady in my chest | the sweet smell of home and spring | the organ always playing you songs of home and spring | behind the fine china my mother made into these ribs | revel in my love, take what you need and handle it all with care | but when you love no more | my affection, a hair in the back of your throat | a splinter | don’t be afraid to rush in and destroy | the things i’ve kept of you; i’m not afraid of the bull you are | i understand. you’re not the first | see, this blood is silk, flowing bright and hot | and my grandmother has told me everything i need to know | about being a matador.

i've always had a compulsion to touch and feel everything that i want for my own | dragging my prints, leaving my mark | planting an invisible seed, burning trails | before i even possess what i need to reap it | alien seeds which never rooted are still dormant beneath my skin | the scalding trails left from foreign fingers | sketch unfinished maps from the outside, inward | the heat of your mouth | once pressed upon my skin | will burn a new path | using the dullness of your nails | dig, claw | into the new rivers of molten | on my skin | formed by the hot trails of your saliva | to remove and sow your own | use your hands to break the sound barrier on my skin | few mouths have muttered well enough answers that are awarded an entrance | ancient paintings adorn sharp, igneous cave walls | hieroglyphics carved into the glossy black tell the stories of the past | all too telling | for those who speak the language | there's warmth within these walls | some never choose to go any further | sunlight finds a way in through cracks but rarely casts a shadow | this is where you will feel the safest, cared for, protected | a purgatory with an expiration date | go or progress but lover be warned: | egress does not transpire as easily from this juncture | careful steps forward on butterflies and crimson cheeks | will lead you through amidst something that feels like moonlight and stars peeking out behind the clouds at 50 miles per hour | loss of breath, rapid heartbeats, blurred vision are common through these parts | go or progress but lover be warned: | no soul has traveled through the labyrinth that greets you now | for those who pay attention, warnings can be heard | before things rearrange, shift their shapes | for those who wish to know, all they need do is ask | as this is the most simple way to pass | secret gardens fill the nooks of an ever-changing maze | darkly lush and occasionally beautiful | be aware of the insects, thorns | things that bite and scratch back | swings, slides, merry-go-rounds of emotions | that have found haven here | breathe easy knowing nothing you reveal within these sacred spaces | has a chance to escape | know that my secrets name this place home | they welcome yours with open arms.

i swear i've watched you sweat honey
cherry syrup nosebleeds on days
you're made up of coma inducing addictions

the words to elucidate | this deeply seated feeling that you invoke in me | i don't think they exist || i'm consumed. || it happens so often, so quickly | it renders me speechless | before i know what's happened | i'm under your thumb | at your mercy, melting | i forget everything around me | except your arms | that seem to engulf and devour | [with the teeth of an animal] | not just my body but everything it holds | within the thin shell of pale skin | [with a gentle warmth i've never known before] | it's bright and shining | it explodes and i with it.
how is it you make me feel like a better version of me?

giggling, running her hand through the shag carpet, rolling over to stare at the gold lampshade that stood upside down, the bottom of it dressed in tassels. whiskey eyes, a room full of warm and a boy who reminded you of mayhem, bowie spinning on the record player, crackling wisdom and her too short skirt was being pushed up by broad hands. "you always make me feel like i'm in '76."

like my teeth, and how you’ll feel me sinking them into parts of you you didn’t know i could reach. parts you didn’t even know you had.

i'm just gonna buy the real estate of the crook of your neck, cash. you won't be able to evict me. i'm gonna die there and then have them bury my body there. daisies will start growing from your skin and you'll be like "wtf"

five random reasons why you're a little more than just "alright"

1. you make everything fun. nothing is too stupid or dumb and everything ends with laughter. it makes me feel light and childish. you get that mischievous glint in your dark eyes and i know it's on, there's no escaping it.

2. you put everything you have into what you care about. the passion you have for things you care about knows no bounds. it's warm and engulfing. watching other people react to that passion you put into everything you do is mesmerizing. you control them like a conductor, taking them up and then down, always leave them begging for more.

3. there's no one else like you, anywhere. from your weird as fuck taste in everything to the way you carry yourself. you're the perfect mix of soft and rough. you know when to use which and never get them confused. your so enviably confident in the soft parts of yourself. i feel lucky yo be able to witness them, to be on the receiving end of the tenderness you exude. i've never seen anything like it in my entire life. sometimes, i wish i didn't have to sleep or blink just in case i miss it.

4. you invoke in me feelings i never even knew existed. things that i have no name for. half the time it renders me speechless. then i need to take twice as long just to process and figure it out because it feels like i will never stop reeling. i've never been so completely attracted to anyone like i am you. you turn on my mind as easily as you do my body. insane how one trail of your finger across my skin can knot my insides. i wonder if i'll ever get used to it.

5. everything you do is art. if you were a museum i could sit inside all day, observing, watching, taking in every thought like a pricelss painting with deep strokes and vibrant colors that would take lifetimes to realize how they came to be.